Volunteer recruitment day
Saturday 15th March
10am – 3pm
Come along for an hour or two … or stay the day!
Do you want to make a real difference to local food, community and environment?
Do you want to contribute time to help at the only stockfree organic farm in the NW?
We’re looking to expand our team of volunteers!
Whether you are able to help on a regular basis of just from time to time, we’d love to hear from you
Our volunteers play a key role in our farm – we quite literally couldn’t do it without them!

BUT … it’s not just about growing fruit and veg. Whatever your skills, we’d love to see you.
Whether you’d like to get stuck into sowing, transplanting or weeding;
or would prefer a customer-facing task in the shop or glasshouses;
have an artistic flair and would like to help us develop information boards and signage;
have the skills to help our website development and maintenance;
can cook up a storm in the kitchen … we’ll welcome you with open arms!

Come along and find out more about what you might be able to offer us.
We’ll be here between 10 and 3 so pop in when you can.
There will be hot drinks, cakes and a light lunch on offer during the day.